Biafra Inc

Biafra hadn't planned on being an artist. He thought he was going to be a teacher. He started cutting stencils as a way to decorate his skateboard in 2003. Cutting stencils quickly turned into an obsession, suddenly the stencils were on stickers and walls and that transitioned into an interest in graffiti and screen printing. He switched my major from education to art and received a B.F.A. with an emphasis in printmaking from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. He has been lucky enough to take what he has learned and obsessed about for all these years and turn that into a job. His work is text heavy and hard lines. He uses comic book characters because he thinks they are instantly relatable to every generation and represent an idealistic time. The text surrounding the characters gives clues as to what the character represents. The bold lines and bright colors associated graffiti and street art still stick with him. He uses his murals as an extension of his fine art. He can do a print and a mural of the same character and each application allows me to explore the character and themes in a different way. The scale of a mural can deliver a feeling that the intimacy of a print can't and he loves exploring that experience.


Chroma Zone Mural Artist

Biafra Inc Chroma Zone Mural Artist 2019

Mural Title
Chroma Zone, 2019

Mural Location
Bro-Tex, Inc (north side)
800 N Hampden Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55114


Image & Video Credit
Chroma Zone is grateful for the many professional photographers and videographers who have donated their time and talent to document Chroma Zone through the years. These include Jon Reynolds, Alex Olson, Ne Dah Ness Greene, Alex Prince and Wyatt Johnson.